I have work in the 'Renaissance' exhibition that's on at Reverse Garbage in West End; it runs until the 24th Dec. The works exhibited need to have at least 75% reclaimed materials content and fellow BrisStylers Beckybean and Ruby Red as well as djbebe. There is some really beautiful work on display, so if you're in the West End area, pop over for a look!
Our BrisStyle meet-up yesterday was very fun - meeting people I've only ever 'talked' to on email and putting faces to names was really good. The lovely girls from EmBelIsh set up the tables in festive frivolity and we shared our 'Secret Santa' gifts. We also drew the winners of the BrisStyle blog giveaway ... stay tuned for the announcement! Lots of fun!
And here's the shot of my front page appearance on Etsy (I'm botton left)!! artdecadence has such a knack for snaring treasuries and I'm so glad one of hers made it to the front page (and just happened to have my little book in it!)

Finally, happy Sunday with this little shadow shot of one of my jade trees that I grew from cuttings from my grandma's plant.

Happy Sunday everyone.