I have work in the 'Renaissance' exhibition that's on at Reverse Garbage in West End; it runs until the 24th Dec. The works exhibited need to have at least 75% reclaimed materials content and fellow BrisStylers Beckybean and Ruby Red as well as djbebe. There is some really beautiful work on display, so if you're in the West End area, pop over for a look!
Our BrisStyle meet-up yesterday was very fun - meeting people I've only ever 'talked' to on email and putting faces to names was really good. The lovely girls from EmBelIsh set up the tables in festive frivolity and we shared our 'Secret Santa' gifts. We also drew the winners of the BrisStyle blog giveaway ... stay tuned for the announcement! Lots of fun!
And here's the shot of my front page appearance on Etsy (I'm botton left)!! artdecadence has such a knack for snaring treasuries and I'm so glad one of hers made it to the front page (and just happened to have my little book in it!)

Finally, happy Sunday with this little shadow shot of one of my jade trees that I grew from cuttings from my grandma's plant.

Happy Sunday everyone.
That is so neat you grew a cutting into an adult plant! I wish I could do, or think, of something like that. So nice that it was from your grandmother also.
Congrats on front page views with etsy! Good luck and happy selling.
What a sweet little shadow!
What a sweet little shadow...and even sweeter knowing it's from your grandmother!
Congrats on your treasury!!
It has been a busy week for you! I'm looking forward to going along to the RG exhibit this week. Congrats on the treasury making front page! I saw it yesterday & thought it was fab. The BrisStyle meet-up was fun! It was lovely to finally meet you Ali! That is a very sweet shadow shot of your jade tree. Jade trees are a favourite amongst ninjas! Did you know that? Possibly not, coz I just made it up. But it could be true!
Oh yeah, the BrisStyle giveaway announcement post! Thanks for the reminder ;D
That is one lovely treasury! Your little book looks so good. Can't wait to pop over to the Reverse Garbage exhibit.
Oh I love jade trees..what a lovely crisp shadow it's made too. :D
Congrats on the front page!!!
First, congratulations on your page view..The shadow shot is lovely and what a wonderful way to always remember your grandmother.
I love jade trees, once had a beautiful bonsai jade, took a vacation and when I returned, over-watering by the caregiver, literally deflated my beautiful tree...such is life...cool shadow!
I love that you grew this from a cutting from your grandma's jade plant!
what a sweet shadow!! I love it.
That is a sweet shadow! The shadow is sweeter knowing it was from your Grandma!
Sounds like a very busy week. Love you shadow shot. I also have a jade plant that grew from a cutting from my Granddad. He passed over 40 years ago, but his grandchildren keep it growing.
Love the feeling of the leaves on those plants, almost like waxy (if i'm thinking of the right one!!) Makes for a good shadow. Congrats on your etsy front page, checked out your little book, very cute.:)
Wonderful shot Ali, hope you have a great week :D
Ho w wonderful to make the front page on ETSY. Well done!
Congratulations, Front Page Girl! I love your shadow shot, because it has so much nostalgia attached to it. We have a frangipanni growing lustily in a pot which was an off-cut from good friends who now live in Tasmania. We call it Bryan.
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