Friday, August 8, 2008

BrisStyle EKKA Sale!

THE sale is here!
The Etsy Ekka Extravaganza Sale is on now!
Please visit the BrisStyle blog for a list of the participating shops and their great deals!

The ‘Ekka’ is the annual agricultural show held in Brisbane, Australia. It is a fun-packed 10 days of bright lights and rides, local produce, entertainment and cute animals! We thought it would be a perfect excuse to have a sale on etsy to promote our BrisStyle team and our talented members, as well as a chance for lovers of handmade to snap up some great bargains!

This little fella and his enormous bull have come all the way from Tamworth (where I grew up - that's why I included the pic!)

And here are some lovely handmade Brisbane treats from the BrisStylettes you can pick up from the EEE sale!!


Hey Harriet said...

You're from Tamworth? A country gal. Yee-ha! Nice EEE post & thanks for including BrisStyle items. Sweet! My EEE post was a little bit lazy compared to others. It's been one of those hectic kind of weeks. Sigh. I better go edit listings now. I only have 28 items but it will still likely take me hours to do...

Oh & enjoy the Ekka if you're going along :)

Hot Fudge said...

I love Tamworth - once we reach there I know we're more than half-way to Sydney. It's a beautiful part of the world.

Good luck with the sale!



Ali said...

'yee haa'- that's me!! And Robyn, it is a lovely part of the world ... as long as you don't have to live there! ;)